Rules & Regulations

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Rules & Regulations

  1. Students are responsible at all times for their personal conduct and conformance with the School Rules.
  2. It is required of students to regularly attend all classes scheduled for their grade, as well as, the extra-curricular activities chosen at the beginning of the year. Punctuality is a primary rule to observe.
  3. There is no specified interval time before the first warning bell.
  4. Lunch break and other interval time cannot be granted as time for playing.
  5. Students reaching the school campus early should enter their respective class rooms and spend their time in silent study, till the first warning bell at 9.05am.
  6. Pupils must be seated in their class rooms by the first bell at 9.15am in silence. All should march to the atrium for the school assembly silently and in line.
  7. The class teacher must be informed of leave of absence on the same day. In order to be admitted into class, the student must present to the class a leave letter from his/her parents justifying his/her absence.
  8. After 3 consecutive days of absence, the student must provide a medical certificate attesting that the return of the student involves no contagious risk.
  9. It is compulsory to use English in all interaction with other students and teachers in the classrooms and school campus.
  10. Any excuse from participating in physical education class (swimming included) must be authorised by prior parental request. In the case of repeated requests to be excused or of permanent non-attendance, a medical certificate is required.
  11. Students must come to classes in the prescribed school uniform. If this basic rule is not observed, the principal or teacher reserves the right to refuse entry to the student in class.
  12. A polite attitude and use of proper language are expected from students towards all school personnel, their friends and any person met in the school campus.
  13. Students should not go out of the school campus during intervals and play time.
  14. Particular attention must be given to respecting school furniture, property and supplies left at the disposal of students. Damage done intentionally to the grounds or due to the improper use of equipment will warrant disciplinary action, and parents will be held financially responsible for repairs.
  15. Students must be responsible for the cleanliness of the school (picking up in the classrooms, corridors, etc.). Classrooms and school premises must always be neat.
  16. In the absence of the teacher, the class leader assumes the responsibility of order and discipline of the class.
  17. No request for early monthly tests or examinations will be entertained. Pupils who absent themselves from a written test or examination will not be given a re-test, unless with a genuine reason.
  18. Catholic students attend the Holy Mass on fist Fridays of every month. They are expected to actively participate in all Catholic activities.
  19. Possession of CDs and USB drives with inappropriate content, mobile phones, contempt of authority and malpractice in examinations are sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal from the school.
  20. Each student is responsible for the safe keeping of his/her belongings. Do not bring valuable items like jewellery or fancy watches to school.
  21. Pupils may not be called to the phone during class hours. Visitors will not be permitted to see any pupils during class hours.
  22. Any exchange of articles or money transaction between students is forbidden.